Meet Our Team

A message from us

Your business rests on a mountain of data accumulated over years of hard work. It can be stressful to keep track of and stay compliant with ever-changing regulations, while organizing all that information in an accessible way.

Our dedicated team of trained, in-house specialists take your existing files and create customized solutions so you can get the most out of your data and have powerful insights right at your fingertips – allowing you to make informed decisions with ease.

Years of history and compliance management, all boxed up on a dusty shelf… we’re here to unpack it for you. Unlock the hidden power within your data and discover all the value it can offer your organization.

For over five decades, we’ve delivered unparalleled results in the world of information management. Working with both small and large businesses alike, our team has established an impressive track record for success when it comes to digitization. Every time we work together, no matter what needs are presented, we consistently deliver at and beyond expectations.

Transparency, dedication, and reliability – that’s what you get when you work with us.

Together, we make managing your raw data easier than ever before!

– Liz Carten, Director of Operations

Nizar J. Somji

Nizar J. Somji

Visionary leader. Expert on trends, adopter of only the best. Investor in good people. Jet-setter with many irons in the fire.

Salima Mawani
Vice President, Operations

Salima Mawani
Vice President, Operations

Queen of efficiency. The Connor McDavid of email replies and car acceleration. Lover of humans, coffee, and chicken wings.

Elizabeth Carten
Director of Operations

Elizabeth Carten
Director of Operations

Passionate people leader. Constantly driven to develop teams for high performance. Amateur home renovator and karaoke enthusiast.

Rod Ford
Director of Sales

Rod Ford
Director of Sales

Focused on exploring creative solutions to deliver cost-effective data services. Enjoys multiple sports and outdoor activities with friends and family.

Todd Kinniburgh
Operations Manager

Todd Kinniburgh
Operations Manager

Developer of efficient and effective teams. Avid foodie, animal lover, and hockey fanatic. Champion of continuous personal and professional development.

Eric Pelletier
IT Manager

Eric Pelletier
IT Manager

Bio coming soon…(he’s busy doing IT stuff).

Josephine Nacu
Team Lead

Josephine Nacu
Team Lead

Workaholic, the pulse of her team. Proponent of efficiency, accuracy, and profitability. Adoration of canines and felines alike. Advocate of both the youthful and the elderly.

Shamla Abdulsalam
Team Lead

Shamla Abdulsalam
Team Lead

Passionate, and cheerful leader championing teamwork and well-developed teams. Lover of cuisine, fashion, and travel.

Brenda Kesek
Team Lead

Brenda Kesek
Team Lead

Builder of relationships and processes. Camping, curling and bingo fanatic. For best results, just add coffee.

Natalia Shaiderova
Team Lead

Natalia Shaiderova
Team Lead

Keen collaborator. Passionate about both teaching and learning, leading and self-development. Loves languages, reading, and family time.

Important Notice: We have no association with Attipetty Global Consulting LLC. Any association between our companies is entirely false.

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