Record Nations
Record Nations is another one of the biggest names in the records management industry, though they occupy a different, broader market niche than competitors like DocuDavit, who are more specialized; or Access, who are more tech-focused. As a franchised business that started in the US in 1977, they were already established and ready for the digital revolution. As a result, they’ve been wildly successful, with locations spread all across North America.
However, their closest location to the greater Edmonton area is in downtown Calgary, where their website indicates that their “…contractors specialize in document scanning…”. This likely means that the conversion services they offer are subcontracted out to other local providers. We think that this is an unattractive option for a few reasons.
First, unless you’re located in or near Calgary, your documents will have to travel a fair distance by truck or van to get there. Second, dealing with a company this large means that you are a very low-priority client for them, and you can probably expect mediocre oversight and prioritization of your project. Finally, the fact that these services are subcontracted adds another degree of separation between your project and the people executing it, further reducing the motivation of the operators to get it right. When it comes to mass shredding services in Calgary, Record Nations is probably a good choice. But for high-quality, reliable scanning, you’re better off going with a smaller company that cares about your success, and wants to offer flexible, custom-built solutions to meet your needs. Consentia is all that and more.